
Showing posts from September, 2017


Iconic Caribbean Islands Fall to Irma & Maria As Hurricanes Irma, Maria and possibly other ravage iconic Caribbean islands one after another, we at ULTIMATE VACATIONS stress over a multitude of tragedies. Meanwhile the list of decimated islands grows by the day. This past Spring I took my first Windstar Cruise . For years I longed to sail upon a sailing ship like the Wind Surf and visit some of the iconic Caribbean islands often overlooked by major cruise lines and big name hotel chains.  So let's review my cherished itinerary, the damage since inflicted on them recently, and share a photo for each battered island taken in a happier time. St. Maarten - We sailed out of Philipsburg and spent a post-cruise night on island after our cruise. Today it has been demolished by the force of Hurricane Irma.  Barbuda - Two weeks ago most people thought we mis-pronounced the name and must mean Barbados and Bermuda. Last week most people learned that this island n...